Live the Life
You Choose

Welcome to Future Focus

Have you ever wondered why you do some of the things you do? or why you can’t stop yourself from doing other things like, eating too much, smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs etc or do you just feel stuck in life? Have you ever tried to control how you feel, feelings like; anger, jealousy, resentment, hurt, envy, unworthiness, rejection, only to find yourself being consumed by them instead?Have you also wondered why you get a little anxious and or depressed at times, or why you seem to continually attract the wrong sort of people into your Life?

The answers to these questions and any others you might have about yourself and other people come down to one single fact; you like all of us, have your own REASONS, not your excuses, YOUR REASONS.To blame or condemn yourself or others for not being more than they are right now, is not only inaccurate and inappropriate, it’s completely wrong as well.”Walk a mile in someone’s shoes – is the truth that connects us all!  “If we could walk a mile in someones shoes, or if someone could walk a mile in our shoes, then and only then, would we know why others do what they, or don’t do what we think, they should do.

I wonder how many wasted hours, days, weeks, months and years, many of us spend judging and condemning ourselves and or others, for things we either can’t help or know how to change. Yet, it is possible to change, it is possible to happy and healthy, we just need someone to show us the way.We at Future Focus are both passionate and committed in doing exactly that. Teaching children and people of all ages how to have their minds and bodies working for them, and not against them.

We are all like a jigsaw puzzle, with our four main pieces called; The 4 Factors. The 4 Factors are ‘Our Reasons’ and as you learn how to put your own jigsaw puzzle together, your reasons will become clear.The best news here is; Change is possible for us all and this knowledge will give you a greater awareness in what you can do for you, from there you will have choices, instead of just doing what you feel you have to do.If I have made you a little curious and you want to find out more about your 4 Factors, I am ready and waiting to show you the way, the way to have your mind working for you and not against you, because you truly do deserve to be Happy, but most of all:

You Deserve to be Happy, Being YOU!