Lighten Up & Lose It! – Weight loss and Wellness Program

I believe that within each and everyone of us, there is an innate sense of knowing what we want and need to be happy and healthy, many might not recognise it, or know that have it, but they still do.
I have developed a program that taps into that sense of knowing. A fantastic program that will have you smiling on the inside, as well as on the outside. We all know that 90% of diets fail because it’s impossible to eat and live the way the diets demand, so I have created one that a person can do now, and continue into their future. My program incorporates simple strategies and mind therapies to strengthen a persons motivation and determination to achieve whatever it is, they are choosing to achieve. I then blend together a persons new mind-set with a scientifically validated calorie restriction program that is by far, the easiest and the most effective way to achieve and maintain good weight and health, that I have come across in my 20 years being in practice.
So if you are ready to feel happy and healthy within yourself and within your life, then this is a perfect time for you to contact me and get started.
Phone: 0421 495 544 Email:

Giving Talks to Small and large Groups.

I love helping people and I love talking on subjects such as; how to be happy within one’s self and how to be happy in life. I also love speaking about the differences between men and women and how with this simple knowledge and awareness, we can all be happier with the person we have chosen to be with. Parenting is a true passion of mine and I love helping people to be positive role models to the children. It’s absolutely vital that all parents learn the do’s and the don’ts to enable their children to grow up and be happy confident adults.

My talks always involve my teachings in how the mind works and how to have your mind working for you and not against you and how with this simple knowledge, everyone has the ability to improve themselves and become happier in all areas of their life. As a Psychotherapist I am able to assist people in releasing certain emotions, that they may have had stored in their unconscious mind, for a long time. This in turn, allows the person to re-program their mind, in a healthy way.

Please contact me for more details and I will be happy to speak with you and explain how it all works.

I believe in getting to the ‘Heart’ of the problem. It’s a bit like putting a jigsaw puzzle together and once we have a clearer picture, I can then assist people in treating whatever that problem or issue is for them. I also align all of my therapies with strategies that the person can employ in their daily life to enhance their ability to be happier within themselves and within their lives.
To arrange a private consultation or phone consult with me, please contact me via my mobile, or by emailing me.

Phone: 0421 495 544 Email:

My therapies include:

Cue Word Therapy

This simple but highly effective therapy has the ability to eliminate negative memories of feelings that a person might have stored since childhood, or have received from a traumatic event. The wonderful thing about this therapy is that the person doesn’t have to remember, or re-live the trauma as their Cue Word does the work for them. I am both proud and excited to announce that myself and a colleague Leigh Skewes, have just released a Cue Word Therapy CD, specific for panic and anxiety sufferers which is available from my online store.


This ancient science is very useful and highly effective in treating many disorders. Some people respond very well to hypnosis, with others needing other treatments along side it as well. I always use Cue Word Therapy with the hypnosis, so as to strengthen the person’s sense of self and reduce or eliminate certain dominating emotions that maybe blocking the hypnosis from working effectively.

Journey Process

I am proud to be a Journey Practitioner as a Journey process is a highly effective therapy to free a person from their invisible prison, and it works beautifully with children and adults, alike. The Journey is well known and respected throughout the world as a credible therapy that has helped many thousands of people live a happy and healthier lives.

Friends For Life Facilitator

This highly accredited program is the only program recommended by the World Health Organisation for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression in children and youth aged 4 to 17 and they now have an adult program as well.
As a trained and qualified licensee of the program, I not only train others to become facilitators, but I also run the programs when required. I am always out and about promoting the programs to schools and child care centers, because as a practitioner, I am very well aware of the devastating effects anxiety and depression is having on children and adults in the world today.

If you would like to know more, or know of a school that needs a Friends Program, please contact me to arrange a time so I can explain and discuss this wonderful program with you.

Phone: 0421 495 544